Tuesday, April 29, 2008

i stand here in front of the 3 moving rubbers~ tot hey! its gotta to be a good shot!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

sing for you.

here my days settling...
house officially moved to jurong west, thank God i got Bruno, his dad appears to be a good one though, so i have no idea how long this kind of goodness can last.. emm... interesting. However, like what i told ling, im always prepared, to move, if things doesnt work out.
and.. i gonna wait for this very very very fucking very important call from Cubiz! woHooo~ my goal here i come =))
wen to harvey to work today, godsh, i miss those faces! glad things doing good, hah! wondering can i still work like this kind of slack mood or not when i start my full time. always give my best ya.

james blunt - one of the brightest stars.
coldplay - what if.
(fuck. james blunt + coldplay can make me die in front of my mac. fucking sadists)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

john varvatos
spring/summer 08'

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Well, update old pics... (Aman send me late! ROAR~~)

This is when the time i bought my Mac! Love it.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

HERE! 就是sunday我们一帮老朋友得聚会拉,算是好久没见得聚会,也算是提前给我庆祝生日拉~ 有几张得顺序有点打乱了,凑合着看了哈,别挑剔 =p

怎么第一张就那么性,冒似joyce在勾引zy啊!哈哈哈,怎么可能,zy得唯一桃花运 ^^

from left: Eddy, Lenny, Zhi Yong & Wen Zhi (zy lao po) 
of course, wen zhi out of the scene, lol... ops, bad camera man. me =.=

这就是我煮得拉!厉害吧,去那什么都没吃多就是虾吃得多... 就奇怪了,这家怎么没有黑胡椒作料呢,气。


这个就是 - 炒冰淇淋拉!


TATA!! 我得杰作,不错吧~~
My favorit, mango!

好像吃主搞错了诶 =.=

我们得发明拉~ 冰淇淋大杂烩 ^^




好拉! 吃完了就是娱乐节目了,我不玩Arcade得,我得准则:上班之前拒绝一切浪费钱之活动。所以无聊给weiwen帅哥拍照哈~


errrr... 这里是女人禁止入内得地方... (哦其实也不完全是,那打扫卫生得大嫂就是女人,咳)

Oh Yeah! 

好入神 @_@


好拉~ 一切活动告一段落,又来到厕所拉!

恩,keep ur comments to urself hah!! 






那,这就是今天我看“Sex is Zero 2”得地方拉,吃完午饭还有多余得时间就在这里等了20分钟,无聊之余拿出相机拍拍拍。。。
关于这部戏,7个字 - 好看,感动,暴笑拉! 因为是一部爱情+戏剧片,看时不时有些怪怪得想法。我想说得是,这部戏搞笑归搞笑,感动得时候还是会掉泪得。

这,3,个,物品, 是我今年给自己得生日礼物拉!这个John Varvatos香水不得不mention一下。Glen在专柜买得$105,我今天$25就给它拿下拉!好爽爽爽爽爽爽爽爽爽爽爽爽爽爽爽爽爽爽爽爽爽爽爽爽爽爽爽啊! 哈哈,他非气翘了不可 ^^
置于那条黑绳子,是干吗用得就留给你们去想拉~猜中有奖哦 =p

john varvatos
22.04.2008 with love.

ps: 今天生日,特地又跑去狮城论坛注册了一新用户名,嘿嘿.纯熟纪念意义哈.
pps: 之前朋友聚会得照片还没收集全部,稍候再发.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Orchard w Ling

今天呢,下午去bugis见了一好久没见的朋友,Glen - 也是叫哥的。
在Mos Burger意思意思请了一下好久不见的大哥(都31了哦)然后超级无敌无聊不知去哪两个大男人就去吃甜品了 =.=" 一人一碗mangoo sagoo,就那么吃啊聊啊,哈哈,也挺有意思的说。
之后呢,我俩就在bugis闲逛,到了那个香水区,突然发现我俩的Taste完全一样诶,不管是用过的还是正在用的,一莫一样,天。他也是新买了 John Varvatos - vintage. 这更增加了我要买这个牌子的信心! 看来是这个牌子了,没错的 ^^

然后,不好意思拖着Glen我就自己跑去orchard拉。meet了ling, 奶奶的,这个家伙又迟到一个小时! 大牌就是不一样。

这个,就是那个一动不动的真人拉,我在那坐了将进一个钟,他也站那一个钟。不过偶尔有人捐钱的时候还是会动动表示一下的拉。 看他那么辛苦,我也给了他两块~ 然后拍张照,恩,走人。

我觉得迪儿肯定喜欢吧 ^^

Friday, April 18, 2008

Yes! I GOT IT!!!!! Both in my Blog & iPod!!

WE JUST DON'T CARE - John Legend!


这就是我呆了5个月的室内外景拉! 仔细听听还是挺吵的,只不过是已经习惯了而已,哈哈~

Y Home.

Went to interview at 2o'clock at Raffles Place, overall, good, it's an agent anyway, so.. no stress no big deal, he took down some of my criteria, hopefully get me a better job besides the Banking one ya ^^
But b4 that, was lunch with e rabbit. Forget to take photo with her totally, damn~ i did brought my camera ok ><"
After everything as usual i went to vivo have a slow walk, changed the cable i bought 1 day ago to a Card Reader, $16.90! damn it, i sure buy it in China if i know it's that ex...

Here are my new stuff! hoho~ mac mac go go go!

A bit messy btw, hope you people wont mind seeing =x

Yes! This is e clothes hanger standee i mentioned b4~~ love it, haha..

Lunch time browsed through a book shop with rabbit, flip through this FUNDSUPERMART, did not purchase at that moment, instead while i was browsing at vivo PageOne, i bought it. Interesting mag i have to say, all about business and market trends, so if you not interested in such stuff, skip to the one below it ^^ 

I love magazines. no idea why..
Especially Men's Health, but for this month, i wan to try MAXIM, in e end i found out MAXIM is a total waste of time. If compare MAXIM with FHM, FHM tumbs UP.

*Looking forward to Sun gathering ^^

Thursday, April 17, 2008


After browse ling's friendster.. im a stealer =x
personally, i tink this photo is cool.
but, where e hell is this place ah huh ling?
Is that e table u saying you wanna replace? if yes, damn true u gotta change it.

Well, i like IKEA, that's e fact. Purely due to the fact that it's cheap and stylish. Juz like what it is always announcing : "you don't have to be rich to live in the luxuries" (tq ling!!)
So.. here we go, me & my lovely daughter, haha~ i planned to get a clothes hanger standee one day ago actually, but i got it in Vivomart first. damn it, a bit regret @#$$$%#&*
Ling n me were trying to act noob, wedding hat? perfect, budget budget!! HAHA~

a bit of acting skill here, a cosy corner anyway ^^